
Presidents With Girl Hair

I keep being inspired whenever I have a glass of wine, and I keep drawing presidents with girl hair.  So this is my ongoing sketch series aptly named: Presidents With Girl Hair.


Time warp y'all

A poster I did for the local theatre troupe for Rocky Horror



So, I recently got married.  Being an artist, I HAD to create a whole bunch of printed material.  Also, being into many things, my husband and I decided to have a cosplay wedding.  We called it FANTASTICON 2014.  The concept behind the wedding is just as ridiculous as we are, AND it was an amazing excuse to have everyone come in costumes.  Not like you need an excuse.  Ever.

For FANTASTICON, we decided that we were a pair of actors who were most famous for playing Joker and Harley Quinn in a movie adaptation of "Mad Love".  Being huge Batman fans, and I am talking Bruce Timm/BM:TAS and comic book Batman, we had to go as two of our favorite characters. The movie was so popular that the executives decided to create two sequels - "Upside Clown" and then the gritty, exploitation film "Jokes On You".  As a cosplayer going to FANTASTICON, you are coming to see us, the actors, dressed up as our characters, who just happen to get married at the convention as a little treat.  A little complicated, but whatever, it was very us.

Here are the logo, invites, posters, and some of the signage I created for the event.


Mr. Stumps

This is the guy that lives down the street from me.
Every morning he sits on this little stool he has made out of a stump and piece of round plywood.
Sometimes I see him drinking beer in the morning at the corner store.
Most of the times I see him staring at the high school and middle schoolers who are waiting for the bus.
Sometimes he is missing when I drive by, and I think that stump looks really lonely.


The King

Aint nothin but a line drawin (for now)


Class Act

Mrs. Wilkin's school of awkward Ballerinas was never considered to be the best, but she took pride in knowing at least they showed up to class dressed appropriately.



Here is a second (and third) versions of underwater. Work wanted a retro theme, which I love x million. Cause I am sure you will be seeing more of it in the future cause I GET TO HEAD A DEPARTMENT FOR IT! (what?) I didn't say anything....
anyway. (head a department)